Τὸ ξέρω πὼς καθένας μοναχὸς πορεύεται στὸν ἔρωτα, μοναχὸς στὴ δόξα καὶ στὸ θάνατο.
Τὸ ξέρω. Τὸ δοκίμασα. Δὲν ὠφελεῖ. Ἄφησέ με νἄρθω μαζί σου ~ Η Σονάτα του Σεληνόφωτος


This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless. Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done. Thee fully forth emerging, silent gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best. Night, sleep, death, and the stars. - Walt Whitman

Τρίτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Gryffindor Welcome Message

Gryffindor Welcome Message 
By J.K. Rowling 

Congratulations! I’m Prefect Percy Weasley, and I’m delighted to welcome you to GRYFFINDOR HOUSE. Our emblem is the lion, the bravest of all creatures; our house colours are scarlet and gold, and our common room lies up in Gryffindor Tower.
This is, quite simply, the best house at Hogwarts. It’s where the bravest and boldest end up – for instance: Albus Dumbledore! Yes, Dumbledore himself, the greatest wizard of our time, was a Gryffindor! If that’s not enough for you, I don’t know what is.
I won’t keep you long, as all you need to do to find out more about your house is to follow Harry Potter and his friends as I lead them up to their dormitories. Enjoy your time at Hogwarts – but how could you fail to? You’ve become part of the best house in the school.

Πηγή: pottermore

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