Τὸ ξέρω πὼς καθένας μοναχὸς πορεύεται στὸν ἔρωτα, μοναχὸς στὴ δόξα καὶ στὸ θάνατο.
Τὸ ξέρω. Τὸ δοκίμασα. Δὲν ὠφελεῖ. Ἄφησέ με νἄρθω μαζί σου ~ Η Σονάτα του Σεληνόφωτος


This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless. Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done. Thee fully forth emerging, silent gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best. Night, sleep, death, and the stars. - Walt Whitman

Τρίτη 1 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Children of the Corn

'Halloween', το αποψινό μας αφιέρωμα. 
Με άλλα λόγια, το ιστολόγιο διασκεδάζει το μυστικισμό της γιορτής, με μικρές ιστορίες "τρόμου". 

Ντύνω το ιστολόγιο και τη φωνή μου μ' ένα σκοτεινό πέπλο ποεϊκού μυστηρίου και προχωρώ το αφιέρωμα ένα βήμα παραπέρα. Αναδημοσιεύω ανάμεσα στα τερατο-quiz και μερικές "τρομακτικές ιστορίες" που θέλω να πιστεύω ότι θα κάνουν τις τρίχες του αυχένα σας να σηκωθούν. Σαν το κοράκι του ποιήματος του Πόε, χτυπούν κι αυτές επίμονα τις οθόνες σας...

Απόψε θα είμαι ο ξεναγός σας. Μαζί θα ταξιδέψουμε στον κόσμο των σκιών. Φανταστείτε μια -βγαλμένη από film noir- μαυροντυμένη γυναικεία φιγούρα, μ' ένα μαύρο πλατύγυρο καπέλο. Μια femme fatale. Θα είμαι καλύτερη στη δουλειά μου αν με βλέπετε έτσι. Κάτω απ' τη σκιά του καπέλου μου, σας κοιτώ με ένα πολύ έντονο βλέμμα. Η φωνή μου, σαν σειρήνα, σας δένει με τα μάγια της και σας παρασύρει στο ερεβώδες σκοτάδι. Σας περικυκλώνει ο καπνός του τσιγάρου μου. Μη νιώθετε άβολα, είναι όλα μέρος του show. Στα κόκκινα σαν αίμα χείλη μου, ένα αδιόρατο μειδίαμα. Αυτό ίσως θα έπρεπε να σας τρομάζει. Θα προσπαθήσω να σταθώ καλός αφηγητής. Θα σας κάνω και να γελάτε πού και πού. Ή να ακούτε μακάβρια γέλια από το πουθενά.

Ελπίζω να μη φοβάστε...

Αγνοήστε το γέλιο μου.

Η πρώτη μας ιστορία για σήμερα είναι για τους πιο creepy πρωταγωνιστές των ιστοριών τρόμου του Halloween. Ό,τι τους λείπει σε μέγεθος, το αναπληρώνουν σε γουρλωμένα μάτια και φαρμακερές ατάκες. Η παιδική ηλικία είναι τα αθωότερα χρόνια στη ζωή ενός ανθρώπου... Ή μήπως όχι;
Creepy children are creepy!

20 Dark & Chilling Things Children Told Their Parents

Τα παιδιά, σαν τα αθώα αγελούδια που είναι, έχουν πλήρη άγνοια του απύθμενου σκότους που κυκλώνει αυτόν τον κόσμο. Αλλά υπάρχουν στιγμές που τα παιδιά ξεστομίζουν κάτι τόσο ανατριχιαστικό, που κάνει το αίμα σου να παγώσει! Σε αντίθεση με τους ενήλικες, τα παιδιά δεν φιλτράρουν τα όσα λένε και μερικές φορές μπορούν να σκαρφιστούν τα πιο τρομακτικά πράγματα.
Παρακάτω μπορείτε να διαβάσετε μερικές περιπτώσεις όπου οι γονείς έφτασαν πολύ κοντά στο...έμφραγμα, ακούγοντας τα ανατριχιαστικά λόγια που ψέλλισαν τα καμάρια τους.

1.When my cousin was two, her mom got pregnant again. One day she went to hug her mom’s belly and said, “Little brother sick.” A few days later she had a miscarriage.  
2.My 6-year-old daughter was in the passenger seat a few days ago and looked at me and said, “Dad, when I’m seven I’m going to kill you. No, wait, when I’m eight.” I asked, “How are you going to do that?” She smiled and said, “I’m gonna drive over your head with this car.”
Kids come up with really chilling things sometimes. 
3. My 3-year-old daughter was in the bath playing with her toys with me and laughing. Suddenly her face deadpans, she looks me in the eye, and tells me in a serious little voice, “Mummy, if you bit and ate all my fingers off I wouldn’t love you anymore.”
Was one of the most chilling things one could say. 
4. My then 3-year-old daughter walked downstairs in the morning and said, “Look what I can do!” and she crossed her eyes. I asked her how she learned to do that and she said, “The boy taught me at night.”
Me: “What boy?”
Her: “The boy with the glasses. he did this!” And she held her finger up and zoomed it to her nose and crossed her eyes.
She said he laughed and laughed.
Not too scary, right? Only…. that’s how my brother taught me to cross my eyes when I was 5 years old. He died when I was 7.
You just can’t expect what chilling things might come on your way. 
5. When my son was small, I was talking to him about growing potatoes. I described how you bank up the earth around them as they grow, and he said, “I used to do that when I was an old man.” 
6. “When you turn off the lights, that’s when the black circles come. They come down like this (holds his hands in the air above his bed), and they stay for a second, then zoop! they go inside! (slapping the hands to his chest).”Then, barely holding back tears, “I hate it.” 
7. I was with my sister, her husband, and their two-year-old daughter. We were talking about loved ones who had recently passed. My brother-in-law went and grabbed a picture of his mother, who had died in a car crash when he was six, to show me. When my niece saw the picture, though, she started laughing. We asked her what was so funny and she looked at us and said. “That’s my special friend who sings to me”. I still shiver a bit just thinking about it. 
8. I had to share a room with my 4-year-old for a few weeks. “Mummy when you were sleeping, I woke up and there was a ghost with no face standing over you touching your arm, it was taking your dreams out of your body with its mouth.” 
9. My 4-year-old daughter (she is 17 now) once sat up from a nap, looked at me, and said in a perfect Irish accent, “It’s colder in here than a hot cup of worth.” We are not Irish. I have no idea what it means, but that’s pretty heavy for a 4-year-old. 
10. My mom stayed with us for a few months when my daughter was 3 or 4. When she moved out, the spare room was still called “Nanna’s Room”. I asked my daughter to get something upstairs one day. She did and came back to me and said, “Who is that old lady in nanna’s room?” 
11. My son always says odd things.Usually, they’re funny but this one threw me for a loop. He is 8. I was telling him how much I love him and thanks for being in my life. He said, “I didn’t choose this life. I couldn’t control how it began. But I can control how it ends.” 
12. When our dog died, without us yet having properly attempted to explain death, our then two years old said, “All her thoughts left her body.” 
13. When my son was 3, he kept saying he had a baby sister with a pink bow, but she died. We never had a baby girl, however, we did have a miscarriage just before that episode. 
14. When my niece was around three or four years old, she told me she used to have a baby but it drowned. 
15. When my brother was little he acted like he had angels talking to him every second. One day my mom overheard him saying, “I can’t kill him! He’s my only dad!” 
16. When my kid was four, we were watching a documentary on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right. He pointed at the TV and said, “That’s wrong. The boilers were on the other side, and I was right here.” He pointed to a small space in the boiler room. “That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.” 
17. My son told me in the sweetest of voices, in a consoling tone…”Don’t worry mommy, I’ll never murder you.” 
18. My best friend Lisa died when I was pregnant with my daughter. When my daughter was three, I heard laughing. I asked, “What are you laughing at?” She said, “Auntie Lisa is making silly faces and playing with me.” 
19. When my daughter was three, she woke up one morning looking rough. I asked if she slept okay and she said, “No! Popaw Mike kept me up all night pinching my toes!” My dad, her Popaw Mike, passed away eight years before she was born and that’s how he used to wake me and my brother up when we were little. 
20. One night I let my then three-year-old sleep with me because my husband was gone. It was dead quiet in the house and she whispers, “I’ve got ya where I want ya and now I’m gonna eat ya.”
Πηγή: sarcasmlol

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